From seniors to kids, everyone loves pickleball!
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America. Haven’t tried it yet? You are missing out on some serious fun! Easy to learn, hard to master, pickleball provides a fun, social and low impact way to enjoy an afternoon with family and friends!
Never played before? Here are the 9 Basic Rules of Pickleball.
Have you already fallen in love with the sport? Pagosa Mountain Sports downtown location sells paddles, balls, clothing and accessories from many popular brands.
Are you a member of the Pagosa Pickleball Club?
. Members receive a discount on most items (not just pickleball equipment) at both Pagosa Mountain Sports locations! Just present your current PPC name tag when checking out.
. Pagosa Mountain Sports downtown offers loaner demo paddles for all brands and models we sell. Not sure which paddle you need? Just present your PPC name tag and we will loan you some to try for the day!
Want to get in on the hottest thing in town? Let Pagosa Mountain Sports set you up with a quality pickleball rental and get you out on the court!
Rental Includes
. One Pickleball Paddle
. Two Pickleball Balls
Rental Pricing
Same Day: Maximum rental time is shop open until 1/2 hour before shop close
24 Hour: Maximum rental time is from reservation start time until the same time the next day
10% discount automatically given for rentals of 3 days or more
Local Pickleball Courts
The Town of Pagosa Springs provides pickleball courts for the general public to use.
South Yamaguchi Park
. Eight unlit outdoor courts available spring – fall. Free to use.
. For any specially scheduled events, check the Pagosa Pickleball Club’s website.
. Pagosa Pickleball Club offers Social Round Robin Play on 6 of the 8 courts on Saturdays. Open to everyone. Check the PPC’s website for more information.
Ross Aragon Community Center
. Three indoor courts.
. For scheduling and any fees, check the Pagosa Pickleball Club’s website.